Taking a Stand

Alexander has been very busy with “firsts” lately. Yesterday he climbed backwards down several steps, waved to Daddy, placed an object in Mommy’s hand, and ate raspberries for the first time. He also demanded, loudly and unambiguously, a taste of Mommy’s iced mocha from Starbucks. Based on the 20 minutes of sobbing that ensued, he was not as discouraged by the taste as Mommy had hoped. In a less cheerful first, he displayed abject terror at the doctor’s office two days ago. After eyeing the nurse nervously, he burst into tears when she moved a tray of needles into his field of view. Last, but not least, Alexander stood unassisted for the first time on May 5. The second time he attempted this stunt (also on May 5), he did it long enough for his personal photographer to stop cooking, marvel, find the camera, and take a picture just before he had to reach out for balance. Although he has repeated this feat a few times, he is not very enthusiastic about it, probably because there are so many fascinating things on the ground.

In other news, Alexander has a favorite new game, in which he makes a sound and someone else repeats it. He is proud that, after ten long months, his parents are finally learning to babble and squeal properly. He also has some new interests, including dogs, doors, spring breezes, burping, and hiccuping.


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